September 2024 .. Catching Up After Too Many Moons Away . . .

September 2024 .. Catching Up After Too Many Moons Away . . .
Our original Chapter patch, designed in the 1990s.

I cannot tell a lie . . . I stepped back a bit from more visible EAA activities to focus more on the acquisition and changeover of Johnson Field (8NC9) from the Johnson family to the Western North Carolina Air Museum. My hangar partner, Mark Cigal, and I worked on this for many months and continue to be involved to the dismay of our wives and families (Mark has the level head of an engineer; I mostly dream up projects, prod recruits, and stuff like that, stirring the pot).

Home Sweet Home

EAA 1016 has a solid presence at 8NC9 … our monthly gatherings are at the WNC Air Museum on the Second Tuesday of each month, March-November. We take December-February off.

What's Been Going On

An early bird crowd for a recent monthly meeting/gathering and the Airfield Tractor, an ancient beast with a mind of its own, sometimes, but it works!

2024 has been an active year for EAA 1016 . . . And our tenure on Johnson Field! There are projects being started, worked on and finished, the Chapter bought the Johnson’s mowing tractor and implements and donated them to the Museum and, more recently, funded the majority of the renovation of the Airfield tenants' restroom while providing, through Member Daryl Habit and a host of others, the time and talent to actually bring the project to a successful conclusion.

The old restroom was a disaster. Member Daryl Habit and his crew of volunteers sprang into action and created a nice, clean spacious restroom that we and our wives find much more in keeping with modern conveniences. EAA 1016 donated the majority of the material expense as well as Member skill and commitment.

Another much-anticipated project is a new Airfield website ( with links to and the installation of an Airfield camera (soon) and weather station (also soon). Member Jerry Tice is the tech guru and spearhead of that project.

Thanks and a tip of the flying helmet to Member Jerry Tice for setting up the new Airfield website

The Air Museum has recognized Chapter Members’ contributions to their program and the importance of our being on the field. We bring a vitality to the Airfield that has been missing for a long time.

Flying For Food!

Jerry G, Mark C and Bill K (L) at Laurens County SC with the SC Breakfast Club; Greig, Simon, Matt, Kajur and Steve M (R) sample the cuisine at Morristown TN

Speaking of vitality, the Chapter has a long standing, cordial relationship with EAA 1494 from Morristown TN. Their fly in breakfasts on the first Saturday of every month, year-round, are a real treat for us and draw pilots from all over East Tennessee, Southern Kentucky and Western North Carolina. Theirs is a great example of a truly vital EAA Chapter and has been recognized nationally as such. Another flying opportunity for the past 92 years is the South Carolina Breakfast Club, which meets every other Sunday at a different SC Airport to enjoy a local feast of bacon and eggs and (of course) grits and coffee and juice and other goodies … there are no dues and once attended, you are a Member for Life. We fly out to those from time to time.

Young Eagles take to the skies!

Member and long time pilot Jean Toxen briefs a flight of Young Eagles before their flight. After the briefing, Jean escorts the Y.E. to the aircraft and introduces the pilot, who takes over the safety briefing and loads up before flying our -often first time flying- passenger.

EAA 1016 held two Young Eagles events this year - one in July and one in September. Vice President and Y.E. Coordinator Mike Cavanaugh has brought that program back to life. Up to 5 pilots have participated in the program each time, including Jerry Groendyke, Bill Kemper, Dan Field, Mark Cigal, and Alex Nelon. Other EAAers pitch in as well, notably: Sid Tolchin, Karen Bork, Jean Toxen, Nancy Marstall and (if I left your name out, it’s my fault … I was busy flying).

Join Us!

So to sum things up for activity to this point in 2024, the Chapter has been moving right along, Members gather not only at meetings but at various other times to eat, trade tips and secrets, lend help and generally keep out of mischief (at least in theory).

Food, friends, birthdays … Our EAA celebrates! Oh, and we build and fly airplanes, too!

You’re welcome to join us anytime … especially at our Second Tuesday meetings at the WNC Air Museum on Johnson Field. We begin setting up at about 5:30 and eat about 6 . . . The programs are mostly designed to run 30-45 minutes and start by 7.