August Meeting Recap

Hello EAAers ..
What a great evening on the 10th! Rain threatened but never materialized and 45+ of us came together at the WNC Air Museum to enjoy good food, whether brown-bagged or cooked on site, a well organized and presented program by Light-Sport CFI Bill Whitley, and great conversation! After the regular program and agenda we were able to go out in front of the museum to look over Bill’s weight-shift-control trike which roused a certain amount of curiosity … more than one member was heard to say “that looks like a LOT of fun”.

We remembered Leland Johnson, the owner and developer of Johnson Field (8NC9) and the property where the Air Museum is located. Leland passed on August 1. Some notable mishaps were mentioned as a reminder that SAFETY is our most important consideration. These may be revisited as investigators reach their conclusions.

Scoutmaster Matthew Hensley and his son, Noah, were there and Noah led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Matthew has already asked if it would be OK to bring some more scouts to our meetings, to which we replied with a resounding YES! So we may have more of these terrific young people at future gatherings.

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Mike Cola and Jon Smith on the ramp at KCUB (Columbia SC)Our next regularly scheduled gathering will be September 14 at the Air Museum. That’s the day before Battle of Britain Day in the UK and there may be a special remembrance for that. The program is shaping up to be an extraordinary one.

Members Mike Cola and Jon Smith are eager experimenters with the developing technology of 3D printing and will be showing off some fascinating work they have produced at home … It’s truly an EAA thing of the future! 

You know, we are in a really exciting era. Need a heart valve? Print it! Need a part for your space ship? Print it! Rather than hauling up tons of hardware, so the thinking goes, why not just take up some printing media, some software, and the rocketeers can print what they need when they need it! Back on Earth, Car parts? Cars? The list is endless.
Until September 14th!

All the best … Alex

Build Strong and Light, Fly Safely!