June at Six Oaks - meeting recap

What a treat to have 40-45 Members gather at Six Oaks Airfield for our June Meeting/Gathering!
Six Oaks is a private preserve and its owner, Peter Fontaine, an EAA Member, airplane builder and flying enthusiast hosted us in his shop.

Members approaching on Cane Creek Road were ushered in with a new portable sign that will follow us as future events unfold. Thanks to member Keith Plemmons for making the design available.

Peter’s shop is first rate, as is all of the Six Oaks property. After a very warm day, complete with a morning thunderstorm, we were surprisingly comfortable under a huge fan in the insulated hangar.

The food supply was generous and tasty. Daryl and Mark, in the foreground, engaged in conversation with others seated in rocking chairs around a coffee table while other Members chose to set up their chairs amid shop equipment and Peter’s RV-8.

Mark, again, eyeing something on Simon’s plate. There was plenty to go around with very little left over.

Sid, Bill and Leo, digesting while waiting for the program to start.
Our program was Peter’s description of how Six Oaks came into being. He described his early interest in flying followed by his use of airplanes for business travel and his discovery of this wonderful piece of property along Cane Creek, east and slightly north of Asheville Regional Airport and, conveniently just outside the Class C airspace.
Questions came up and were answered, the logistics of creating a place like Six Oaks and the patience required while topography was considered, the wise use of the land and setting aside a great part for preservation of forest. All in all, we were welcomed and left with a fair portion of wishful thinking that, I suspect, all pilots harbor about having an airfield to call home.
Following Peter’s presentation Simon Jennings was singled out for having earned his CFI certificate! Well done, Simon. Then a special recognition: a celebration for Jerry Marstall and Mark Cigal having reached 1,000 hours flying time on their homebuilt airplanes at almost the same time: Jerry in his Tri-Q 200 and Mark in his RV-8:

Peter on the left, Alex, Mark and Jerry. Oh, and the cake:

Our door prize, a pair of Bose, bluetooth sunglasses, was won by Bob Cauffield! Congratulations, Bob.
Thanks to all who helped with setting everything up and taking everything down. Chapter VP Jacob Coby for seeing to it that the food table was set, Nancy Marstall for her support and encouragement, and everyone who pitched in.
Special thanks to Peter Fontaine who hosted us at Six Oaks.
Our next meet-up will be July 12th at the Western North Carolina Air Museum in Hendersonville. The program will be given by Paul Meyer of the FAA in a FAAST Team presentation of Airspace and Operations at Non-Tower Controlled Airports. We will likely publicize this to the local pilot population, especially the WNC Pilots Association, as we can all benefit from programs such as this. Thanks to Simon for arranging this.
A last note: Keith Plemmons still has patches available .. contact him directly through the email group or by private message and let him know which and how many you want …
All the best … Alex
Build Strong and Light, Fly Safely