News Flash! November 2021 Meeting Program!
Our November 9th meeting will be an especially memorable one! Member of 1016 and Founder of our newest EAA Chapter (1662) at Marion’s Shiflet Field – Brooks Mershon – will be bringing the Timber Tiger Ryan ST-L to the Western North Carolina Air Museum at Hendersonville!

The ST-L is a 95% replica of the Ryan ST that captured the imagination of so many pilots in the 1930s and 40s and is available in kit form! Brooks said this morning that six kits have been ordered since Oshkosh which is a pretty good launch. He’ll have a lot of information at the meeting.
Be sure to RSVP for your turkey dinner! Despite the foretold shortage of T-birds we’ve found enough to meet the early responders .. get your reservation in as soon as you can!