We had a terrific night at Fahrenheit Pizza on Feb 8th .. about 20-25 of us found room for 10 Pizzas of all varieties plus bellywashers and a great time was had by all. There was even enough for some take-home at the end.
George, Mike Cola, Alex, Jacob, Michael behind GreigThe Zenith contingent came out in force! Daryl (escaped having his picture taken) and Michael were Joined by Dean Youngblood from Rutherfordton. Dean is flying off his hours on his 750 and getting used to f l y i n g s l o w … what a nice airplane! Dean drove all the way over from Rutherfordton (joining Greig from Marion and Keith Plemmons from Waynesville – we do cover some territory)What a crew .. Tim and Keith and Jim Cain in the foreground. Jim lives right around the corner from Fahrenheit Pizza and, truth be known, made me think that he is smack in the middle of where most of our members live, so prompted a search for a central meeting-up spot)From a different angle — here is Jim with Nancy Higgins with Jerry in the background fanning the pizza oven when we were waiting for the second round. So nice to have a lady in the group – you kept us in line and from getting too rowdy Matt and Rowan held down their end of the table .. Rowan is learning how to hold his own with a bunch of pilots and builders and did a great job of it! He flies with his Dad and will be, I predict, thoroughly indoctrinated as he grows up.Mike Gaffney and Dennis Gilton are both RV guys and Dennis just got his incredible RV-8 out of an Alabama paint shop (in time for snow, etc)
I wish I had pictures of everybody but I realized too late to pull out the camera .. Simon and Raiwen, Daryl, and all .. you’re targeted! Our first real gathering/meeting for 2022 is pencilled in for March 8th at the Western North Carolina Air Museum. That’s a firm maybe at this point. Please help me and we’ll all do our best to wish for good weather and warmer temperatures. The museum is heated but can still be a bit chilly. Stay warm!