Use Amazon Smile to Support EAA 1016!

I’d like to invite everyone that uses to support EAA Chapter 1016 by making your purchases through Amazon Smile.

Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of every purchase to the 501(c)(3) that you select. This sounds like a small amount, but for those of us that shop on Amazon a lot, it can add up.

Every little bit will help us!

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Go to

    • Login with your normal amazon account details
    • You can bookmark this page so that it is easier to remember to use.
  2. Search for “Experimental Aircraft Association 1016” under “Pick your own charitable organization”
    • NOTE: You must type out “Experimental Aircraft Association” rather than just “EAA” in order to find us!
  3. Find “Kiffin Y Rockwell Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1016” on the list of results.
    Click on the “Select” button.
  4. Click on the check box next to “Yes, I understand that I must always start at to support Kiffin Y Rockwell Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1016”
  5. Click the “Start Shopping” button:

At your homepage (, you should see the words “Supporting Kiffin Y Rockwell Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1016” written under your searchbar.

Now start shopping! The shopping process and product prices are exactly the same as normal, but 0.5% of your purchase value will go to the chapter.

Just remember that you have to always start at for this to work.

Thanks for supporting our chapter!