Winter Meeting Hiatus

Hello EAAers ..
Wow! What a terrific Turkey Night last month to close a tough but optimistic year and kick off the season for holidays … it was a great gathering and fun for everyone.
Our thoughts as a Chapter turn to December and the coming winter months. With the days and nights turning colder and unpredictable weather the norm, the consensus of the Board and feedback from members suggests it would be best to focus on individual projects in the weeks and months ahead.
Therefore, we will not meet as a Chapter on the second Tuesdays of December, January and February. What has been suggested instead has been a series of smaller groups meeting at members’ workshops to look over projects that are in the mill … There are several in various stages of construction but be forewarned: building airplanes is contagious!
My recommendation is for members who are interested in sharing some time to let their workshop availability be known and sign up small groups to show your work. Then be sure to let everyone know how the visit went! There’s no better place to pick up tips than an in-person Q&A where the project is available to actually see.
We will pick up our monthly meeting schedule in, hopefully, March 2022, and will keep in touch both here and on the Chapter website. —
All the best … Alex
Build Strong and Light, Fly Safely